I know you have used Star Trek as a source of ideas in the past and don't lie to me boy iPadd=PADD. You didn't even change the name. My primary interest lies in a cupcake-transporting device wherein one might beam cupcakes or other baked goods to other points across the world or even into outer space. I'm pretty sure we can assume that astronauts like cupcakes. In fact, please consider the following images and how tasty they might be if only I could beam a serving to your office.
Item One: Badass Soufflé
Look at this badass soufflé and tell me you don't want some. See how fluffy and bouffy it is? Locally grown eggs topped with locally made goat's cheese and home-grown oregano. I have developed mad soufflé-making skills and while they do fall, such is the nature of the beast and I'm not bothered by it in the least. This bit of culinary success was gone in 3.2 seconds and you could have had some if you were to develop the cupcake transporter.
Item Two: Best Biscuits this side of the Mason-Dixon
My daughter and I made drop biscuits today from organic butter, White Lily flour, and local goat's milk. Before I descend into praises regarding the quality of the aforementioned goat's milk, I would like to say that biscuits and the making therein are serious business to a woman such as myself. My heart was broken when I found out that Three Rivers Cornmeal had been bought and done away with, such is the seriousness with which I take my baking. So when I say these were the best biscuits this side of the Mason-Dixon, know that I am not messing around, sir! You could have had some if you were to make a cupcake transporter.
Please keep me updated.
The aforementioned locally-made goat's cheese and goat's milk were bought from the lady that I affectionately refer to as the Goat Cheese Girl, Mrs. Justyne Noble from Noble Springs Dairy. I cannot sing the praises of her goat products enough and may the Theoi bless her and all of her goats with, y'know, whatever they'd like to have because dang. Those were some damn good biscuits. I'm planning to pick up some local butter to further improve upon biscuit quality. The goat's milk was unexpectedly delicious and much easier on my stomach than regular cow milk from the grocery. My previous experience was with stuff that tasted like goats smell and it was not pleasant, I tell you what. Not so with this stuff. This stuff is good.
Much of today was spent in fiber processing, washing this alpaca from Legacy Acres. The picture doesn't do it justice. I had such a good time spinning this and can't wait to show Tom & Linda the end result. It's a soft and beautiful chocolate brown that was an absolute dream to spin.
I also worked on some of this, flinging llama schmutz everywhere as I carded some of this beast. Given the amount of dust and crud that I have apparently inhaled from the carding of same beast, I'm considering wearing something over my face next time, lest I inhale something really unpleasant. I carded up four batts, spun one of them, and still have quite a ways to go before I'm done. This particular beast has a staple that can only be described as "really darn long" and there's a bloody lot of it. I am not complaining, mind you, because blessed is Jenn the Llama Fairy who sent it. I chose to spin it dirty and because of that, there was a frakton of dust kicked up by the carder, much of which went into the garden and some of which went straight up my nose.
Speaking of the garden, it's been a bit cold lately, down to freezing some days, so I've brought some of the plants in until the weather warms up again. At the top left is a Dieffenbachia that I got at the grocery store for a buck fifty. I also got a couple hyacinths that I plan on planting in Bekah's yard next Friday. When I have a yard of my own, I'm going to plant so many bulbs and there will be hyacinths forever and irises all over the place and daffodils and lilies and...
Even Avel the Manequin is excited about spring. Usually his reactions are a bit... (dare I say it?) wooden.
I think I'm funny.
Here are the most recent hankies. The picture is crap, but I'm so far pleased with both. The one on the right is the pink stars in progress. I'm thinking about doing some kind of border around the edge, just for kicks. The one on the right is an interpretation of Inachis io, the European Peacock butterfly that I caught while in Poland. These are eventually going up in the shop and I've got a third hanky blank that I haven't decided how to decorate yet. Perhaps I'll embroider a disease or some other interesting motif.
What say you?
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