Monday, February 01, 2016

FO: Two quick repairs

What better way to wrap up the Month of Mending and to begin February is for Finishing than with a couple of things that had been sitting on my mending pile for too long.

The first is a t-shirt that, by a mistake of manufacture, had a hole in the shoulder.
 Here's the inside, repaired with a blanket stitch and double running stitch to mimic the stitches of a serger.
And here's the outside. There's a slight puckering at either end of the repair, but it will be hardly noticeable when worn.
 The second repair is a pair of dress pants that Husband wears to work. There's a blown out seam at the corner of the pocket...
...and another blown-out seam in a rather more delicate place.

 The pocket was sewn up on the inside using a back stitch.
And the seam of great delicacy was sewn up using invisible stitching (blind stitch), first on the up-and-down seam and then the side-to-side seam.

Dignity now restored, these pants can return to work.

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