Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I'm not dead yet

It me.
The start of school is usually a lot of a lot and I'm moving from just observation to some actual teaching. I taught my first class yesterday and sort of did a mediocre job of it. I don't think I failed outright, but I wasn't 100% happy with it. I sort of know where I need to improve, which is what practice is all about. My main concern is whether I messed up the kids and I don't think I did, but I'm not sure I was terribly helpful to them either. I'll get better at it. 

This was a fun lesson, though. We did a murder mystery themed activity, so I got to be the dead body and make some fake vomit. 

We put chunks in it.

Setting up the lab was a blast. 

There's also a bunny. His name is Biscuit and he's a cute little bun-bun. My favorite thing so far is when a student comes to ask me a question and I know the things and how to tell them the things. Lectures are hard and it's hard when a student is struggling and just doesn't get it, but the good moments more than make up for it. 

Also, I made a thing. Bu wanted a "toy holder" out of plarn, so I made her a toy holder out of plarn using one of those little pot holder looms. I've got some bread bags awaiting similar treatment, but I'm going to try to catch up on Husband's Crackerjack scarf first. I'm up to about the middle of April right now, so I'm fairly far behind as far as the baseball season goes. On the other hand, it's my kitchen table knitting now, which will hopefully translate to regular progress. 

The news is awful just now and there are a lot of people being horrible on the internet about the things that are already awful. Don't be that guy. Be nice, be helpful, be courteous and compassionate. 

Kindness is not weakness. 

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