Thursday, November 29, 2007

"So, what have you been up to, Jess of the Bugs" you say.

Did you see I updated my profile pic? Well, I have no pictures of knitting today, but I can sum up. Here's my day:
  1. Got up at 5AM and actually dragged butt out of bed at 5:20 to get little bit ready for school.
  2. 7AM Little bit leaves for school
  3. 8AM I've made my lunch, had breakfast, worked on some music. I leave for school
  4. 9AM I smash up butterflies for their DNA (this actually takes longer than it sounds)
  5. 11AM find out there's no meeting woot, so I work on some music and eat lunch
  6. 1PM Holy crap. Do you know how many pine trees I've got to learn before Tuesday?? I don't want to think about it. And then there's the hickories...cry
  7. 3:50PM I am late for fiddling with butterfly DNA (I actually get about five minutes of knitting while the gel is running)
  8. 6PM Finish fiddling with butterfly DNA
  9. Quick dinner of leftovers, and then here I am.
I haven't got many neurons for knitting lately (unfortunately), but I did get a few minutes in today. OH! I finished the reggae socks! Pictures will be forthcoming, eventually. I started a pair of secret socks in Knitpicks' Essential in the meadow colorway, which is green, brown, and purple. The random brown hat is actually progressing well. I'm on the bottom ribbing and I hope that it will fit it's intended wearer okay.

That's it for now. I've been quiet 'cause school eat my head kind of a lot lately. Hopefully pictures before long.

Yeah, and I'm totally Kadollan's blog monkey. Ook.

1 comment:

Bekah M said...

Blog, my blog monkey, Blog!


(Are you a flying blog monkey?)