Friday, July 28, 2006

Clearly, I am insane.

My only little girl, four years old, is in Kindergarten. Right now. My only child in the care of the public school system. It is a frightening thought.

So, out of a bit of nervousness last night, I made a gauge swatch. Swatching is not insane you say? A-ha! I shall show you.

It's about four inches from the heel to the top. It's got an eye-of-the-partridge heel and I'll be arsed if I can remember how I decreased for the toe. I'm proud of myself for being able to do this off the top of my head, but...I made a four-inch sock. Just because.

Here are some pictures of the design process. Note the monkey.


Sierra Starsong said...

The Wee Little Sockie even got an "Awww!" from hubby! Tuck it away somewhere, maybe attach a keyring, and give it to her when she heads off to college.

Unknown said...

Glad you like it. I think I was delerious when I knit it. My husband says it's for a wee little peg-legged pirate.
"Arrr, what a fine sock this be!"