Thursday, August 10, 2006

I want you to know that I absolutely *adore* The Harlot. She's not only a yarn geek who has acheived greater yarn geekitude than I can ever imagine, but she also likes scifi. Not only is she a scifi geek, she plays D&D. No joke. The best groovy knitter geek chick ever.
(Steph, if the D&D was a secret, I'm very, very sorry. I'm blogging under the influence. Hardly anybody reads my blog anyhow. No wukkas. I'll knit you a d4 or a d6 to make up for it. Maybe a d20, but that might be a bit ambitious even for me.)

I love you, man! No, I *really* love you, man.

Gods of the blessed mountain, I must be the biggest dork ever. Y'all (by which I mean both of you) love me anyhow, right?


H. R. Duby said...

Hey! I read your blog, too. :-) Everything looks so purty! I've -got- to get me a digital camera so I can start putting pictures of my pretties online, too.

Unknown said...

woot! I didn't realize you read my blog.
Thank you!

I think you should have a digital camera. I really like mine and it has obviously come in handy.

Bekah M said...

Yeah, I love you anyway man.

Although, I must say I think I should be a contender for the "The best groovy knitter geek chick ever" title.

And Hey, I updated my blog.