Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Just two pictures of one thing today. Yes, I know I promised pictures of finished birthday-related stuff. It's like this. Kidling has her birthday. Birthday stuff must be worn *immediately* following birthday - the next day or so. Mommy of kidling was too slow with the camera. These picture are from today and is of the "Not a real green dress, that's cruel." She is also showing off her ponies that she got for her birthday. She says it's her princess dress 'cause it goes to her feet and twirls. See the shoes? Princess shoes.
Today she took goodie bags to all her friends in school and they were pretty thrilled. Some of them were even wearing the party hats when I went to pick her up. I managed to get rid of some of the leftover party stuff I had from last year, but I still have a fair bit of Scooby Doo party stuff and still a fair bit of Little Mermaid party stuff. Dang, if I'm not a sucker for this kid.

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